the path to resolution

In addition to mediating, Conversation Peace Mediation offers workshops in the following subject areas:

Anger Management
People have different ways of perceiving and expressing anger. For some people, anger is a dominant force in their lives. Their increased levels of hostility can cause difficulty in their families, friendships, and relationships, can make it difficult to succeed at work, and can negatively impact their health if left unabated. In this workshop we discuss sources of anger, what is causing these strong reactions, and some ways to control it and express it more constructively.

Compassionate Parenting
We have all been taught how to parent by the example of our parents, our communities, and the media. For many of us, this is a way in which the parent is the authority and our job as parents is to make our children behave. This workshop teaches some parenting techniques to help you create a safe, beneficial environment in which to raise a family. It covers family friendly language, listening and communication skills, nonviolent communication, power struggles, rewards and punishments, and the protective vs. punitive use of force, all with an eye toward deepening our connection with our children and raising them by compassionate means.

Conflict Resolution
All of our behavior is our attempts to get our basic human needs met - needs like love, respect, financial stability, and celebration. But if we get our needs met at the expense of someone else or if we have different strategies for getting our needs met, we end up in conflict. If we can find a way to get both prople's needs met simultaneously, we'll end up feeling more connected to the other person in addition to the good feelings that come from getting our own needs met. This workshop covers how conflict happens, our individual styles of conflict behavior, and teaches specific communication tools and strategies for dealing with conflict in a constructive manner.

Consensus Decision-Making
There are many ways to make decisions. Our government uses majority rule, a competitive model of decision-making. A majority can be 99 to 1 (with most people happy with the decision) or can be 51 to 49 (with almost half of the people unhappy and perhaps feeling uncommitted to the decision or not responsible for carrying it out). Concerns or objections by individuals must be taken into account and resolved before consensus can be reached. The goal of consensus decision-making is to empower everyone in the decision being made and to have everyone agree to it. This workshop teaches the principals, methods, roles, and variations in consensus decision-making.

Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication is a system of communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg. It was created to help us take responsibility for our feelings and actions and to help us connect to the people in our lives. It enables us to communicate compassionately with each other rather than defending, withdrawing, or attacking in the face of judgment and criticism. Nonviolent communication helps us to distinguish between our thoughts about a situation and what is actually happening inside ourselves that fuels our feelings and actions. This workshop teaches the principals of nonviolent communication along with doing exercises and role-plays to practice this skill.

Work and Family Communication Skills
Poor communication skills and ongoing conflict can be big barriers to social and financial stability. They can interfere with one's ability to hold a job or to create a safe, beneficial environment in which to raise a family. This workshop teaches communication skills to help remove this kind of barrier. It covers nonviolent communication, what stimulates conflict, physical responses to conflict, styles of behavior during conflict, and strategies to help us navigate constructively through conflict.

Other Topics
We are open to teaching workshops on other topics as requested given adequate preparation time and knowledge of the desired material. Please use the link on the Contact page to ask about other desired topics.

Conversation Peace Mediation
the path to resolution

In Canada
In Washington